Mobile Trick – Disable Data connection


Hi, Did you ever suffer from unwanted charges charged for unwanted data connection, then here is  solution for you to “Disable data connection” from your mobile phone. Just follow the below steps: 1. Type *#*#4636*#*# 2. Now you have a list of options available in your screen regarding : phone...

Android – EditText TextWatcher


Today we are going to discuss about TextWatcher which can be implemented in EditText. What is TextWatcher It is an Interface. It has 3 methods to be overrided whenever it is implemented: afterTextChanged beforeTextChanged onTextChanged It is used to keep watch on EditText while entering data into it. We can...

Android – What is AsyncTask?


I am going to discuss about AsyncTask. Do you know about AsyncTask and what are the usage of it? Here are some of the points: AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. AsyncTask is used when you want to perform long awaited task in background. AsyncTask publish...

Android – Take picture by using native camera


Problem: Launch native camera application to capture image and use it inside imageview Description: I hope you may across the application in which they are launching camera to capture image and then they use the captured image to show inside the imageview. So here is an article for you to...

Android – Cancel AsyncTask in Android


I assume you have already used AsyncTask, If you haven’t used or know about it then read my article on What is AsyncTask or visit read official documentation on AsyncTask. While using AsyncTask, many times you might have faced a situation where you have a case where you want to...