Issue: Using setJavaScriptEnabled can introduce XSS vulnerabilities


Issue: “Using setJavaScriptEnabled can introduce XSS vulnerabilities into you application review carefully”. Android Lint returns you the above warning whenever you enable JavaScript by calling setJavaScriptEnabled(true) method on the WebSettings for a WebView. Because WebView consumes web content that can include HTML and JavaScript, which may cause security issues if...

Contextual Action bar (CAB) in Android


Before getting into the action bar and Contextual Action bar concept and coding for it, let me take you through the concept of 2 ways to show contextual actions: 1. Floating Context Menu 2. Contextual Action Mode...

Introduction to Android Studio


Feeling good to be back at blog :). Actually I have been managing GDG Ahmedabad, delivering android talks and managing workshops locally and outside my regions. Last month, I was quite busy in organizing “DevFest” event for the GDG Ahmedabad and then for the preparation of my 2 talks for...